Pioneer Families

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Their grooming, disposition was like no other even within the major Anglo student body.  Thanks to an early stage of development in a part of the country where “respect” was highly valued the Villarreal Family left a positive mark no matter where they lived or worked. 

Jesse and his siblings will later recall his parent’s guidance and family principles which usher them through a difficult period of time and space.  “I wish I could still thank dad for all his efforts and support he showed us all and for caring to give us the best he could at the time” Jesse adds.  This “wish” by the majority of the people whom I interview was expressed repeatedly a testimony to the FAMILY STRUCTURE which once existed. “LA FAMILIA”…The challenges were there and the structure was there to help overcome any social, cultural or political turbulence.


School still had a few weeks before spring break so I was allowed to continue with the rest of my freshman year. The school kids for the most part were friendly. The teachers were understanding. My academic ability was no comparison with what I had learned at Asherton High, but I gave it my best effort to stay until the end of the school year.


First impressions are important and as migrants used to travel to Oregon and other places they were not always welcome. Some remember signs that were not only demeaning, but attacked human dignity and value i.e., “Dogs and Mexicans not allowed”…”Whites only”  and the list goes on.  The Villarreal Family exhibited good family values, respect and according to Ron Petrie’s recollection of this special family ALL  the family came to school exuding confidence and were learning oriented. Ron made the observation that the kids would come to school as if they were attending a private school.



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